Saturday, July 25, 2009

If the music industry is serious about piracy..

Then they should get rid of any blog that posts a link to rapidshare blogs hosted on this site. Not allowing for ad revenue trough Google isn't enough. These blogs are owned by Blogger and Blogger has the power to shut them down. Hell, they're legally obligated to. The, "I can't find this legally so I need to pirate" argument is hogwash. Here's a mail-order distro site for you:

If you pirate and like, then you owe the artist for what you just previewed... Just a thought.

Expecting a LOT of angry flame comments from thirteen-year-old kids engaged in our culture of instant gratification.

I guess that I come from a twenty-one-year-old mindset whereas today's middle schoolers who don't remember the Metallica v. Napster issue and piracy has always been the norm for them. Heading out to a store is seen as begin too slow and mail order for obscure artists is unthinkable. Have I used mail order in the last 12 months? Yes. And my collection of limited editions is better for it. Someday you'll grow up and realize that you actually have to earn a living.

If you're under 15, then this is probably you.

Oh, and for the record, the industry should adopt an industry model where files are free to download and then lock after two weeks, forcing a payment. If you recognize MP3 as a crappy file format, then you can purchase a CD. If you really like the CD, then buy the limited edition. Like that, then purchase a shirt with it. Hell, you can even get the Cd with an ultra-limited vinyl of a live performance.

Artists should turn to asking for donations before they enter the studio. Anyone who donates, get the CD for free. Donate more than $30 and get a free VIP pass when they tour your town.

And yes, this is Trent Reznor's business model for the Ghosts album combined with Peter Dolving's panhandling and a little bit of Radiohead's In Rainbows distro thrown in. Then again, Nine Inch Nails, The Haunted and Radiohead are totally, utterly right and the industry should look at their business plan.

Oh, and let's not forget The Pixies selling their own bootlegs. That was genius. I'm now going to get some actual exercise, something that the spoiled middle-school vampires of today have never heard of. That's right kids, I care about my cardiovascular system and my carpal tunnel has actually been IMPROVING over the past two years. See you later fuckers!

Edit: I renounce this post... because cmdistro and cdbaby are bound to have anything that you can't find on Omage Order. Online Distro is the SHIT! Now use it!


  1. I love the way you actually THINK that you will get a lot of comments on your blog that must be read by 12 people/month...
    That being said, I agree with most of your arguments, even if playing the ancient when you're just a kid is funny...

  2. Meh, I'll probably get a bigger following when I make my "best of Decade" list at the end of the year. Maybe about 20-50 followers.

  3. Yeah probably... or maybe not...
