Thursday, July 23, 2009

Crimes Aganst Music Pt. 2

A second band that is somehow utterly popular despite sucking unfathomable amounts of jizz (in this quite quite literally) is Millionaires. Remember how concerned parents everywhere were worried about how Bratz dolls were going to be horrible role models for girls, making them into promiscuous and materialistic women when they grew up? it tunrs out that for once, against the very laws of the universe, the overprotective parents of America were finally, actually right.

These are three young women who's lives revolve around getting drunk until they puke, being excessively snobbish upper-middle class suburban girls raised with silver spoons in their mouths, and having sex with anything possessing a penis. Now before the "OMG SLUTZ!" effect kicks in, keep in mind that only one of them is hot and all three of them are the shallow, selfish, deceptively cruel, materialistic, rich, overly judgemental type that is so far away from what I or any man with class is attracted to that any comments about how their promiscuity might potentially be a turn on will have their comments deleted.

Anyway, I'll admit that I like beer (I personally like Smithwicks, Sapporo, and Labatt) and I like sex but I'm not a fan of hooking up with the first person that I see when I'm horny, nor do I ever drink more than two beers at a time and this type of accessible pop music that appeals to middle school girls simply sends the wrong message to today's youth. People should actually know their sexual partners and learn to moderate their drinking because we live in a world where 80% of people have herpes simplex (with 70% of those infected not knowing that they're infected) and one third of all pregnancies are unintended.

Now unintended pregnancy is a serious issue. Thankfully, I'll never get pregnant but I've heard that women who have abortions suffer from severe lifelong depression as an after-effect. Living in a sex-crazed society combined with Christianity being the most dominant religion (and one that teaches that condoms are the spawn of Satan) has made this an unavoidable problem.

As far as alcoholism is concerned, the CDC reports that in 2006 addiction to alcohol caused 22,073 deaths. Promotion of excessive drinking will only lead to more cases of addiction and thus more annual deaths.

Now why was this in any way relevant? Because it proves, once and for all, that this band will be be the death of America. If you truly love your country, you will do all that you can to ensure that this band's tours are sabotaged in one way or another (using legal means). If worst comes to worst, please pay this bnad to NOT go play at venues or pay fans to skip the show.

And it's bands like this that ensure that I will never have children since there are simply far too many negative massages directed at a younger audience today. Seriously, does anybody over the age of fifteen listen to music this poppy?

If you really want to hear how bad this band is, be my guest (caution: May destroy America):

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