Sunday, August 23, 2009

Winger Completes Work on New Album. Pray for Foregiveness Since the World is About to End.

People, these are the end times, WINGER is planning for a comeback record to be released in October. All that I cna say is, "oh fuck no." It's ban enough that they released an album back in 2006 which had a cover that was very much everything that I hate about post-9/11 America, intertwining militarism with a religious mission without any sort of irony or mockery.

Why is this band still allowed to exist? This band is perhaps the hair band that had the fewest balls in a genre where most of the men tried to look as androgynous as possible. Regardless of the fact that Kip Winger is a man with a vagina, you have to wonder who listens to this shit.

1 comment:

  1. Your answer is no one. All the women that got wet in the panties over him in the late 80's have now grown up with kids and moved on to shit like Coldplay and the Verve. Anybody whoever listened to Winger and their ilk were the scene kids of the day. The only way they would be coerced to go to a show is to try and recapture their youth and go crazy over the songs they remembered.

    Quite sad actually.
