Municipal Waste are an incredibly fun live band. That much is a given. But while they're a fun retreat into 1980s nostalgia (I was born in 1987 so I guess that I can't appreciate the neo thrash movement that much) They seem to lack any real seriousness or substance.
Their lyrics are funny. I'll give them that much but it almost seems as though their nothing more than a gimmick. Whereas the thrash bands of old were experimenting heavily by their fourth album, Municipal Waste seem afraid to leave their comfort zone on Massive Aggressive.
The hooks that are present simply aren't memorable when every song is the same and it's really the same album that they put out three times in the past. If you're older and don't mind hearing a band that reminds you of the early days of Slayer and Metallica, then this might be for you, but for the rest of us, we've all heard Municipal Waste before and they're going to need to provide some changes by their next album if they hope to have any longevity.
Agreed. The album was a let down.