Monday, September 14, 2009

Help Me Dear Odin, I Have A Horrible Song Stuck in my Head

I'm currently dealing with the most horrible song in the world being stuck in my head. No matter what I do, I cna't stop listening. It's every single bad cliche that's currently killing music present within the time span of 3:34... but the autotune and techno parts are just so catchy. I need to fucking die.

In the meantime, allow me to torment you with the horrible song that's stuck in my head and won't let go:


  1. There should be a reality show about a quintuplet emocore band trying to make it in the world.

    Oh there not quintuplets you say? My bad.

  2. if they were quints, that'd be quite a niche market.

    but it still wouldn't excuse the horror.

  3. When this happens and I absolutely positively cannot get it out of my head, I break out the big guns and start singing "Godzilla" by Blue Oyster Cult. Works every time.
