Finally, Above - one of the most difficult and challenging but still musically straightforward records of the year - gets its own video.
SAMAEL - Black Hole
If you haven't heard Above yet, then you really need to give it a listen. It's one of the best albums of the year.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009
Scary Thought That I Had
Between the low grows and autotune effects, Attack Attack could theoretically cover Chant for Eschaton 2000. Apologies for giving you nightmares.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Arch Enemy - The Root of All Evil
How did this go wrong? This was supposed to be an improvement with the same songs from the first three albums but without Johan Liiva fucking them up. This has the worst mix that I've heard since Death Magnetic. The guitar tone is way too clean for Arch Enemy and the drums are way louder than everything else.
Fredrick Nordstrom should have been in the mixing room instead of Andy Sneap. All of the power of previous albums has been stripped away. But hey, at least I can hear the bass, except its too muddy to for me to tell what notes are being played which is in contrast to the uber clarity of everything else. The only thing keeping me from flying to the UK and punching Andy Sneap in the face is the fact that I'm still a Sabbat fan.
Granted, this isn't the band's fault. It's completely the fault of the mixer. The guitar tone doesn't even sound natural. It has a thick layer of gloss over it that takes away from the crunch that Arch Enemy needs. It's overproduction at its finest to the point where I'd rather listen to these songs with Johan. It's just maddening that an album with such potential is ruined by a record producer. It's now time for me to break out a certain article by Jack Endino who produced the last High on Fire record:
And even though I said that I would never punch Andy Sneap in the face, that says nothing about you. If you live in the UK and you see this man, please punch him for me. Thanks.
Edit: I just learned that Unearth's The March was also mixed by Andy Sneap, who apparently also fucked their guitar tone. Seriously, for any UK readers, you live in Europe. Do what Europeans do best and descend upon this guy's house as a pitchfork wielding mob.
Winds of Plague Annouce California Love Tour
Problem. Hypocrisy and Blackguard are playing the same night. I'll have to weigh the pros and cons here. I'm not a fan of Ensiferum and their headlining the Hypocrisy/Blackguard tour. Winds of Plague have some REALLY shitty support acts. Winds of Plague have some really great T-shirts. Hypocrisy probably won't be back for another three years. Winds of Plague are cheaper. Hypocrisy is closer. Winds of Plague are playing at a smaller venue so I will probably land an interview. Winds of Plague are also playing at at venue at the border of Orland Park and Tinley Park while Hypocrisy are downtown.
Decisions, decisions. (I'll probably go with Hypocrisy)
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Marduk - Wormwood
Those fearing (or in some cases hoping) that the newfound maturity of ROM 5:12 would be abandoned on subsequent releases will have spent their time worrying over nothing. The norsecore days of old are gone. Not that they weren't enjoyable, but I personally really love the new grown up Marduk.
The real difference between the two eras are that the old Marduk is kind of like that girl that you liked back in middle school. Sure it's a nice memory but would you really have her back then or bang her now that she's grown up, sexually experienced and has a great rack? Just like there's no comparison between doing it with your old middle school crush in sixth grade when she was experimenting and banging her now that she's your girlfriend, there is no way that anyone could say that Panzer Division Marduk is better than the more mature and experienced Wormwood. This album has a great rack.
There are still plenty of fast blasting parts, but Wormwood is more than just another Marduk blastathon. It's about subtlety and discretion which makes the fast parts just seem that much faster. Mortuus is truly the best thing that ever happened to Marduk since he was able to turn them into a real three-dimensional band. What began on ROM 5:12 is continued here and if you liked what they did back in 2007, then its safe to say that you'll like Wormwood. Then again, if you didn't like their last album, then I'd have to wonder why exactly you're listening to black metal in the first place.
And lets not forget the atmosphere. There is so much evil coming out of this album, even the faster tracks like Into Utter Madness and Nowhere, No-One, Nothing have a sinister vibe to them that the Marduk of old was unable to articulate. This album is high-octane nightmare fuel of the highest quality and I find it genuinely uncomfortable to listen to (in a good way). If you're going to listen to one Scandinavian black metal album this year, then Wormwood is exactly what you need.
New Epica Video Online
If I could be tormented by any stalker, Simone Simons is pretty high on the list. The glowing eyes only make her that much hotter.
Immortal - All Shall Fall
This album is nearly impossible to review. The expectations were simply to high for me to praise it given that its been seven years since their last album combined with the sheer amount of awesome that their previous discography has. No matter what they came up with, this album was going to suck. On the other hand, its Immortal, it's produced by Peter Tagtgren, and this is still one of the most anticipated albums of the year. No matter what they came up with, this album was going to rule.
So here we have All Shall Fall. It takes a long time to sink in simply because albums like albums like Diabolical Fullmoon Mysticism and At the Heart of Winter are so legendary. So while it'll forever be kept in the shadow of past works, this is still a keeper.
So yes, it's still Immortal and by that I mean it still sounds like Immortal. That's still a good thing since Immortal's sound is hardly dated. But it's also safe. There are so many fewer risks taken on here than there were on a album like Pure Holocaust or Blizzard Beasts and I can't help but feel that Immortal were intentionally playing it safe to avoid alienating their fans. While I'm personally not alienated by this in any way and I'm certain to enjoy the new material in a live setting, it's still somewhat upsetting to hear that they didn't provide much experimentation.
Don't get me wrong. It's still worth buying and definitely grows on you with a few listens. It just isn't the groundbreaking and career defining moment that everyone expected it to be. If a band who wasn't Immortal made the same album, I'd probably rank them higher than I'm doing here. I knew going in that I was going to be let down no matter what but I was still surprised at how good this album is. Is it one of the best albums of the year? No but it is certainly a sold release from one of the greatest black metal bands of all time.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Susperia finally release new video
I'll take it as Athera is finally fully recovered. And the actual video is quite cool. Wait for the end.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Five Finger Death Punch - War is the Answer
The new Immortal is taking way longer to sink in than I thought. It's totally a grower. So that means that I'll keep myself occupied by writing a review of the new Five Finger Death Punch album since I need something to keep myself occupied with (which I sadly purchased sine it was released a few days ago). What better than something horrible with which to remind myself that this is still supposed to be a funny blog?
I'll be the first person to state that this is not metal. It's post-grunge that happens to market itself as metal since post-grunge like Creed and Godsmack is no longer commercially viable. Now throw in some minor nu metal influences and you have an album that you heard several other bands make in 1999.
The fact that this is marketed as a combination of groove metal and metalcore is an insult to my intelligence. There are no traces of either. It's a bait and switch scheme that you're falling for if you like them and given this band's success, they're clearly selling albums to actual fans rather than just snarky bloggers making ironic purchases.
You have everything that makes for a shitty album here. Cheesy lyrics about punching people in the face? Check. Dated musical ideas that today's fifteen-year-olds don't remember? Check. Needless profanity to connect with my angsty thirteen-year-old self? Check. Guitar solos to make it seem like this somehow isn't just some 90s radio rock bullshit? Check.
When your singer even uses an outdated singing style that connects him with one of many faceless and forgotten bands from yesteryear, you suck. There is nothing original about this band at all except for trying to not be trendy by following dead trends to pretend that you're something new. Thankfully, I have a better memory than a goldfish.
This band is truly, honestly in it for the money and it's clear that they're the biggest get rich quick scheme in all of metal. I'd rather drink a six pack of Tecate than give this a second listen. At least this CD can be used for skeet shooting.
Interview with Carmine Laietta V of Hull
One thing that can truly be said about Hull is that they're truly chill guys. I have nothing but respect for this band and wish them the best. Lead guitarist Carmine Laitetta V (I have no fucking idea what the V stands for) was cool enough to do an interview. Thankfully, I'm cool enough to post it.
UPB: What's it like to tour in a band that shares a name with the guitarists of one of your tourmate's non-touring projects?
Carmine: It sucks. But not because of Scott's name, just because ever time I say, "I'm in Hull" the people's response is always, "You're in Hole." And I say... "Yes, dick."
UPB: Now that you're signed to The End, what's the next step careerwise? Are there any bigger tours planned for the near future?
C: Yes, put our next album and make it more massive than out debut, and everything else out there while we're at it.
UPB: I notice your Yob shirt. There's a restaurant west of here on Belmont called Kuma's that has a burger named after them. You plan on checking them out tomorrow morning?
C: Hopefully! Although I did make some plans with a close old friend that we're sleeping with.
UPB: Are you ever planning on sticking a comb in your afro since everyone else today is walking around like that?
C: I own a pick with a fist. Need I say more?
UPB: Stoner metal is finally catching on due to the success of High on Fire and to a lesser extent, Red Fang. Do you feel that you might finally be the band that breaks the genre into the mainstream?
C: I don't count on it. I just try to write the best music I can. Keep challenging myself and the band. Hopefuly we find an appropriate audience. So far, so good though!
UPB: As the decade comes to a close, what do you think will be the next big metal trend for the 2010s?
C: I have no idea... We played with a band of youngsters the other night and they were clearly influenced by garbage like Attack Attack! That seems to be the newest trend now and I wnat nothing to do with it.
UPB: Have you started writing your next album yet?
C: Yes. You'll hear some shit soon.
UPB: What's your most interesting tour story so far?
C: My bass player and I got robbed at gunpoint in Cincinnati this past Sunday. Actually, 3 gunpoints! They took our phones, wallets and my camera that I was documenting the tour with. Sucks but I'm still walking around, breathing, with blood still pumping through my dick. I guess that's what really matters.
UPB: When do you plan to return to Chicago?
C: Very soon. I like this place but after we play tonight, we'll see if Chicago is still standing!
New Arch Enemy track posted
The new version of Bury Me an Angel is now posted online. and yes, it does have that horrible sterile guitar tone. Andy Sneap now joins Greg Fidleman and Andrew Scheps (you know, the guys who ruined Death Magnetic by mixing out the bass and then compressing the fuck out of everything else) when it comes to mixing room guys who need to be punched in the face. It takes a lot for me to say this since I do like Sabbat, but seriously, this production just lacks the teeth of other Arch Enemy albums.
And if you live in Asia or Australia, they are planning a tour for the Far East (with a Belgium date thrown into the Asia dates for some reason).
What surprises me is that they aren't doing any dates for Osaka or Sapporo. Loud Park is a big festival but by all accounts, this band is huge in Japan. What's even more shocking is that there are only two Chinese dates (Hong Kong and Beijing) when it's a country of over one billion. I'd think that they'd at least throw Shanghai or Macau in there for the Chinese market. And then they skip over Thailand completely. But at least they won't skip Chicago the next time that they come to the North America.
And if you live in Asia or Australia, they are planning a tour for the Far East (with a Belgium date thrown into the Asia dates for some reason).
| DK Gorbunova, Moscow (Russia) | Moscow | ||
| Mass Deathtruction Festival @ Ferme du BiƩreau | Louvain-la-Neuve | ||
| LOUD PARK 09 @ Makuhari Messe, Tokyo (Japan) | Tokyo, Chiba | ||
| Liberty Square - Taipei (Taiwan) | Taipei | ||
| World Trade Center - Manila (Philippines) | Manila | ||
| Hitec Auditorium - Kowloon (Hong Kong) | Kowloon (Hong Kong) | ||
| The Star Live House - Beijing (China) | Beijing (China) | ||
| Seoul Ax, Seoul (Republic Of Korea) | Seoul | ||
| Senayan Tennis Indoor Stadium, Jakarta (indonesia) | Jakarta | ||
| Capitol, Perth (Australia) | Perth | ||
| Fowlers Live, Adelaide (Australia) | Adelaide | ||
| The Forum, Melbourne (Australia) | Melbourne | ||
| The Roundhouse, Sydney (Australia) | Sydney | ||
| The Hifi, Brisbane (Australia) | Brisbane | ||
| Transmission Room – Auckland (New Zealand) | Auckland |
What surprises me is that they aren't doing any dates for Osaka or Sapporo. Loud Park is a big festival but by all accounts, this band is huge in Japan. What's even more shocking is that there are only two Chinese dates (Hong Kong and Beijing) when it's a country of over one billion. I'd think that they'd at least throw Shanghai or Macau in there for the Chinese market. And then they skip over Thailand completely. But at least they won't skip Chicago the next time that they come to the North America.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Monday, September 21, 2009
Have You Seen This Man?
Zoltan Bathory of Five Finger Death Punch has gone missing. He was last seen drinking with fans in Las Vegas. If you've seen this man, please notify the FBI.
Anyway, Let's talk about what may have happened to this guy.
Theory 1: Spontaneous human Combustion
He was drinking. Alcohol is flammable. It's very possible that his body may have set itself on fire. Of course, if this happened, then all that my be left is his skull. It's scary to think about, I know, but spontaneous combustion could happen to you.
What to do if you spontaneously combust?
Stop, drop and roll
Get in some water
Cryogenically freeze yourself
2. Ninjas
3. Alien Abduction
4. Eaten by a Walrus
The most likely scenario. The man eating walrus is native to the Las Vegas area and is known to have a taste for human flesh. If he is not found within one week, then it's common practice for the stool of any and all walruses to be inspected for human remains. Hopefully it didn't come to this most agonizing and traumatic death.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Megadeth - Endgame
United Abominations is one of the most important albums of the the current thrash revival. So it's worth saying that Endgame takes Megadeth's comeback even further. This isn't just a good Megadeth album like UA was, it actually sounds like the Megadeth of old. That's right. UA was the appetizer. This is the main course.
It's fast. Chris Broderick is the best guitarist that Megadeth have had since Marty Friedman. It's the best collection of songs since Countdown to Extinction back in 1992. If you're only getting one metal album this month and don't feel like waiting to see how the new Immortal turns out, then you can't go wrong with Endgame. It's even better than the new Black Dahlia Murder, which is no small feat.
It's not even worth getting into how this sounds. If you like Megadeth, or thrash in general, then you'll dig Endgame.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Municipal Waste - Massive Aggressive
Municipal Waste are an incredibly fun live band. That much is a given. But while they're a fun retreat into 1980s nostalgia (I was born in 1987 so I guess that I can't appreciate the neo thrash movement that much) They seem to lack any real seriousness or substance.
Their lyrics are funny. I'll give them that much but it almost seems as though their nothing more than a gimmick. Whereas the thrash bands of old were experimenting heavily by their fourth album, Municipal Waste seem afraid to leave their comfort zone on Massive Aggressive.
The hooks that are present simply aren't memorable when every song is the same and it's really the same album that they put out three times in the past. If you're older and don't mind hearing a band that reminds you of the early days of Slayer and Metallica, then this might be for you, but for the rest of us, we've all heard Municipal Waste before and they're going to need to provide some changes by their next album if they hope to have any longevity.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Shadows Fall - Retribution
I've long asked myself why should I listen to Shadows Fall? If I want to listen to thrashcore then why don't I listen to God forbid and the third Unearth album as better options? Then I realize that its because I'm a blogger and Shadows Fall just released a new album. And while there are certainly better options available, Retribution is hardly a bad album.
Brian Fair is still a shitty vocalist. The guitars somewhat make up for him sucking and God Forbid is still better in every way. But hey, if Shadows Fall are your thing, you could still do a lot worse. So yeah, they're overrated as fuck but they're still okay, but not really anything more. This one is for fans only.
Kittie - In the Black
Don't you just love it when a band grows up with you? When they played the same trendy shit that you listened to as a kid and then as an adult they mature? Yes, they did start out as a nu metal band but by Until the End they developed into a metalcore band and finally evolved into a melodic black metal group with a heavy Rotting Christ influence by Funeral for Yesterday. Sadly other nu metla bands like Slipknot and Otep are still creatively stagnant despite the rest of the scene
In the Black sees Kittie grow heavier after their last album and more death than black, but is still similar enough to the previous album that they should keep the same fans that they won over and continue to alienate the fans that they lost back in 2007. In the Black is mercifully shorter that FFY was but still feels like it runs on for a bit too long. Then there are the pacing issues with a much heavier first half and a more melodic second. Both of these issues negatively affect an otherwise really good album but thankfully not enough for it to not be enjoyable.
And I've realized that female guitarists don't get enough credit. Tara McLeod is fantastic on ItB. She proves that she can hold her own in a world with very few female metal lead guitarists. She may not have the most flashy style but her leads are always tasteful and fit the music perfectly.
ItB is heavy, melodic, and the latest step in Kittie's evolution. They almost had something great here if not for problems that could have been solved in post-production. It's good, but given that this month also has some other big names dropping albums (Megadeth and Immortal being the two most obvious), ItB finds Kittie unfortunately being the leftovers of the metal genre once again.
The Black Dahlia Murder - Deflorate
Let's clarify things. This band is not deathcore. They're blackened death metal like Goatwhore or Behemoth but with a heavy influence from melodeath. They still riffs from Dimmu Borgir, not Madball. They have some chugging riffs but they never focus on breakdowns. They have never been deathcore, they're just popular with the same crowd. Now shut up.
Anyway, this has a great cover. Let's see: Jawas + Kirspy Kritters + a futuristic city in the background + a fat guy upon a throne with giant man tits that is probably supposed to be frontman Trevor Strnad. Speaking of Trevor, it's still hard to believe that he is the sole vocalist of this band since they've always sounded like they have two.
And new guitarist Ryan Night is the shit. This guy plays some wicked solos, as can be expected from an ex-member of Arsis. He's a significnat step up from John Kempainen's lead playing and that is what elevates this album above Nocturnal (although Miasma still takes the top spot).
If you like blackened death metal or if you are willing to get past the deathcore tag that's been applied to BDM despite it being incredibly inaccurate, then this album comes highly recommended. It may not be as good of a blackened death album as Evangelion, but it certainly entertains.
New Rammstien Video
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Most Metal Shirt to Not Belong to a Band
I Need This. So does anybody want my Paypal account? It's for a good cause!
Monday, September 14, 2009
Help Me Dear Odin, I Have A Horrible Song Stuck in my Head
I'm currently dealing with the most horrible song in the world being stuck in my head. No matter what I do, I cna't stop listening. It's every single bad cliche that's currently killing music present within the time span of 3:34... but the autotune and techno parts are just so catchy. I need to fucking die.
In the meantime, allow me to torment you with the horrible song that's stuck in my head and won't let go:
In the meantime, allow me to torment you with the horrible song that's stuck in my head and won't let go:
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Immortal Special Edition is Even Better than Winds of Plague's
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Dimmu Issue Studio Update
Dimmu Borgir are already recording their new album. And apparently it features a full orchestra when I expected a return to the Stormblast - SBD sound. As for who'll replace Vortex, Ihsahn and Dave Hunt are the two most obvious choices since neither of them are touring and Dimmu Borgir = money.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
New tour coming this winter!
And it's totally worth going to. Cannibal Corpse and Unearth are incredible live bands. I never really got into Hate Eternal. Hatebreed are good but I don't know why this hardcore band (no, they aren't metalcore, no matter how much they say that they are) insists on going on metal tours. And then Born of Osiris is opening so it's okay to get their late since you're only missing a deathcore band.
11/07 - Harpo's - Detroit, MI
11/08 - Bogart's - Cincinnati, OH
11/09 - Recher Theatre - Towson, MD
11/10 - Northern Lights - Clifton Park, NY
11/12 - The National - Richmond, VA
11/13 - Amos' Southend - Charlotte, NC
11/14 - The Club @ Firestone - Orlando, FL
11/15 - State Theatre - St. Petersburg, FL
11/16 - The Masquerade - Atlanta, GA
11/17 - Plush - Jacksonville, FL
11/18 - The Hangar - New Orleans, LA
11/19 - Meridian - Houston, TX
11/20 - Sunset Station - San Antonio, TX
11/21 - The Door - Dallas, TX
11/22 - The Beaumont Club - Kansas City, MO
11/23 - Odgen Theatre - Denver, CO
11/24 - Sunshine Theater - Albuquerque, NM
11/25 - Marquee Theatre - Tempe, AZ
11/27 - The Warfield - San Francisco, CA
11/28 - Hollywood Palladium - Los Angeles, CA
11/29 - Karma - Victorville, CA
12/01 - Roseland Theatre - Portland, OR
12/02 - Commodore Ballroom - Vancouver, BC
12/03 - The King Cat Theatre - Seattle, WA
12/04 - The Knitting Factory - Spokane, WA
12/05 - MacEwan Hall Ballroom - Calgary, AB
12/06 - Edmonton Events Centre - Edmonton, AB
12/07 - Odeon Events Centre - Saskatoon, SK
12/08 - The Garrick Centre - Winnipeg, MB
12/09 - The Rock - Maplewood, MN
12/10 - House of Blues - Chicago, IL
12/11 - Pop's - Sauget, IL
12/12 - The Rave - Milwaukee, WI
12/13 - The Intersection - Grand Rapids, MI
12/14 - The Town Ballroom - Buffalo, NY
12/16 - Sound Academy - Toronto, ON
12/17 - Metropolis - Montreal, QC
12/18 - Nokia Theatre - New York, NY
12/19 - The Palladium - Worcester, MA
11/07 - Harpo's - Detroit, MI
11/08 - Bogart's - Cincinnati, OH
11/09 - Recher Theatre - Towson, MD
11/10 - Northern Lights - Clifton Park, NY
11/12 - The National - Richmond, VA
11/13 - Amos' Southend - Charlotte, NC
11/14 - The Club @ Firestone - Orlando, FL
11/15 - State Theatre - St. Petersburg, FL
11/16 - The Masquerade - Atlanta, GA
11/17 - Plush - Jacksonville, FL
11/18 - The Hangar - New Orleans, LA
11/19 - Meridian - Houston, TX
11/20 - Sunset Station - San Antonio, TX
11/21 - The Door - Dallas, TX
11/22 - The Beaumont Club - Kansas City, MO
11/23 - Odgen Theatre - Denver, CO
11/24 - Sunshine Theater - Albuquerque, NM
11/25 - Marquee Theatre - Tempe, AZ
11/27 - The Warfield - San Francisco, CA
11/28 - Hollywood Palladium - Los Angeles, CA
11/29 - Karma - Victorville, CA
12/01 - Roseland Theatre - Portland, OR
12/02 - Commodore Ballroom - Vancouver, BC
12/03 - The King Cat Theatre - Seattle, WA
12/04 - The Knitting Factory - Spokane, WA
12/05 - MacEwan Hall Ballroom - Calgary, AB
12/06 - Edmonton Events Centre - Edmonton, AB
12/07 - Odeon Events Centre - Saskatoon, SK
12/08 - The Garrick Centre - Winnipeg, MB
12/09 - The Rock - Maplewood, MN
12/10 - House of Blues - Chicago, IL
12/11 - Pop's - Sauget, IL
12/12 - The Rave - Milwaukee, WI
12/13 - The Intersection - Grand Rapids, MI
12/14 - The Town Ballroom - Buffalo, NY
12/16 - Sound Academy - Toronto, ON
12/17 - Metropolis - Montreal, QC
12/18 - Nokia Theatre - New York, NY
12/19 - The Palladium - Worcester, MA
I Can't Get This Song Out of My Head
I went to sleep. Had a dream about a toothpick giving me tongue splinters. I then woke up and went to bed a half hour later. I then dreamed about pornographic pictures of my friends ending up online. The only thing taht they both had in common was that this song was playing in both of them:
Friday, September 4, 2009
New Arch Enemy album details posted
I'm a bit let down by the bonus tracks since they're just three live tracks of songs that are already on the album as opposed to a new old studio track like Fields of Desolation or Cosmic Retrobution which I can't believe aren't on the album. I can understand why certain tracks weren't rerecorded. For instance the narrator in Seed of Hate and Tears of the Dead is stated to be male and the song Angelclaw is about a man fantasizing about a woman but if they're going with bonus tracks, why the hell are they excluding the song who's solo they use to close every set?
And after hearing the redone version of Beast of Man on the band's Myspace, what the fuck is up with the guitar tone? This is the first time that the band's guitar tone has sounded so thin and weak when it's usually fucking awesome and I'm hoping that the rest of the album sounds better.
I'm a bit let down by the bonus tracks since they're just three live tracks of songs that are already on the album as opposed to a new old studio track like Fields of Desolation or Cosmic Retrobution which I can't believe aren't on the album. I can understand why certain tracks weren't rerecorded. For instance the narrator in Seed of Hate and Tears of the Dead is stated to be male and the song Angelclaw is about a man fantasizing about a woman but if they're going with bonus tracks, why the hell are they excluding the song who's solo they use to close every set?
And after hearing the redone version of Beast of Man on the band's Myspace, what the fuck is up with the guitar tone? This is the first time that the band's guitar tone has sounded so thin and weak when it's usually fucking awesome and I'm hoping that the rest of the album sounds better.
Political Rant Time!
As I was browsing through the tags for Wolves in the Throne Room, I noticed that there are multiple tags labeling the band as communists, which I personally find ridiculous. These accusations most likely stem from the bands sympathies towards environmentalism and feminism.
Which brings me to my point, is it okay for a black metal band to hold left wing views or is black metal as an ideology closely aligned strongly with the far right?
I'm not alone with this concern since Dark Funeral and Summoning have taken a lot of crap from the underground for their hard line stance against NSBM. Given that those two bands in addition to WitTR bands are more aligned with the left, are they still black metal?
Which brings me to my point, is it okay for a black metal band to hold left wing views or is black metal as an ideology closely aligned strongly with the far right?
I'm not alone with this concern since Dark Funeral and Summoning have taken a lot of crap from the underground for their hard line stance against NSBM. Given that those two bands in addition to WitTR bands are more aligned with the left, are they still black metal?
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Arcturus may reunite?!?!?!?!?
I think that I may have just jizzed a little.
And Dimmu are nothing without Hellhammer, Vortex and Mustis. Unless they can get Nagash, Nick Barker and Stian Aarstad back in the band and return to the Stormblast/EDT sound, then Dimmu is officially finished.
But seriously, Arcturus? OMFG! That band NEEDS to get back together.
I think that I may have just jizzed a little.
And Dimmu are nothing without Hellhammer, Vortex and Mustis. Unless they can get Nagash, Nick Barker and Stian Aarstad back in the band and return to the Stormblast/EDT sound, then Dimmu is officially finished.
But seriously, Arcturus? OMFG! That band NEEDS to get back together.
Anaal Nathrakh make their first real video!
The UK's loudest band* have finally come out with a music video. It's mostly Dave Hunt blindfolded and bearded but hey, this band finally came out with a promo video.
*No, not Spinal Tap, you retards.
*No, not Spinal Tap, you retards.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Four Great Tours Coming Later This Year
First Children of Bodom are coming later this month with The Black Dahlia Murder and Skeletonwitch which of course, I'm passing on since I've already seen two out of three bands but trust me when I say that CoB and BDM are both fantastic live.
North American Tour II / 2009
* with The Black Dahlia Murder and Skeletonwitch
** support acts TBA
*** with Austrian Death Machine and Holy Grail
September 18 - Lupo's Heartbreak Hotel, Providence, RI **
September 19 - Starland Ballroom, Sayreville, NJ *
September 20 - Northern Lights, Clifton Park, NY *
September 22 - Theatre Capitole, Quebec City, QC *
September 23 - Metropolis, Montreal, QC *
September 25 - Elements Night Club, Kitchener, ON *
September 26 - Sound Academy, Toronto, ON *
September 27 - House of Blues, Chicago, IL *
September 28 - Epic, Minneapolis, MN *
September 30 - The Garrick Centre, Winnipeg, MB *
October 01 - Odeon Events Centre, Saskatoon, SK *
October 02 - MacEwan Hall Ballroom, Calgary, AB *
October 03 - Edmonton Events Centre, Edmonton, AB *
October 05 - Commodore Ballroom, Vancouver, BC *
October 06 - Showbox at the Market, Seattle, WA *
October 07 - Roseland Theatre, Portland, OR *
October 09 - Regency Center @ The Grand, San Francisco, CA *
October 10 - The Glass House, Pomona, CA *
October 11 - The Glass House, Pomona, CA ***
October 12 - Marquee Theatre, Phoenix, AZ *
October 14 - Pipeline Cafe, Honolulu, HI **
Then in November Hypocrisy are finally returning to North America after a strange, possibly UFO-related disappearance. I don't know how they returned and they personally have no memory of the event but it's fucking Hypocrisy in North America which is completely, utterly worth it. And they're touring with Blackguard who seem to have the perfect booking agent since they're getting on all of the right tours.
Nov. 06 - Jaxx - Springfield, VA (w/ SWASHBUCKLE)
Nov. 07 - Crocodile Rock - Allentown, PA (w/ SWASHBUCKLE)
Nov. 08 - Volume 11 - Raleigh, NC
Nov. 09 - The Masquerade - Atlanta, GA
Nov. 10 - Culture Room - Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Nov. 11 - AKA Lounge (part of the Anti*Pop Music Festival) - Orlando, FL
Nov. 13 - Meridian - Houston, TX
Nov. 14 - Emo's - Austin, TX
Nov. 15 - Ridglea Theatre- Dallas/Ft. Worth, TX
Nov. 17 - Galaxy Theatre - Santa Ana, CA
Nov. 18 - Key Club - Los Angeles, CA
Nov. 19 - DNA Lounge - San Francisco, CA
Nov. 20 - Hawthorne Theatre - Portland, OR
Nov. 21 - Studio Seven - Seattle, WA
Nov. 22 - Rickshaw - Vancouver, BC
Nov. 23 - Warehouse - Calgary, AB
Nov. 24 - Starlite - Edmonton, AB
Nov. 26 - The Zoo - Winnipeg, MB
Nov. 27 - The Rock - Minneapolis, MN
Nov. 28 - The Rave - Milwaukee, WI
Nov. 29 - House of Blues - Chicago, IL
Nov. 30 - Peabody's - Cleveland, OH
Dec. 01 - Opera House - Toronto, ON (w/ SWASHBUCKLE)
Dec. 02 - Imperial - Quebec City, QC (w/ SWASHBUCKLE)
Dec. 03 - Medley - Montreal, QC (w/ SWASHBUCKLE)
Dec. 04 - The Palladium - Worcester, MA (w/ SWASHBUCKLE )
Dec. 05 - Irving Plaza - New York, NY (w/ SWASHBUCKLE)
And ending this year in December, Marduk have finally gotten their visas and are touring with Nachtmystium and Mantic Ritual. (I give Nachtmystium five dates before they drop off the tour for whatever reason.) I'll probably go to this since I payed to see Marduk and tickets are only $15, making them even cheaper than The Haunted were earlier this year.
11/20/2009 The Palladium - Worcester, MA w/ Black Anvil
11/21/2009 Les Foufounes Electriques - Montreal, QC w/ Black Anvil
11/22/2009 Wreck Room - Toronto, ON w/ Black Anvil
11/23/2009 Sonar - Baltimore, MD
11/24/2009 The Masquerade - Atlanta, GA
11/25/2009 Brass Mug - Tampa, FL
11/28/2009 Red 7 - Austin, TX
11/29/2009 Ridglea Theater - Ft Worth, TX
11/30/2009 The Marquee - Tulsa, OK
12/02/2009 Launchpad - Albuquerque, NM
12/03/2009 The Sets - Tempe, AZ
12/04/2009 The Key Club - Hollywood, CA
12/05/2009 The Jumping Turtle - San Marcos, CA
12/06/2009 DNA Lounge - San Francisco, CA
12/07/2009 Satyricon - Portland, OR
12/08/2009 Studio Seven - Seattle, WA
12/10/2009 Cervantes Masterpiece Ballroom - Denver, CO
12/11/2009 Riot Room - Kansas City, MO
12/12/2009 Reggie's Rock Club - Chicago, IL
12/13/2009 Station 4 - St Paul, MN
12/14/2009 Blondie's - Detroit, MI
12/15/2009 Peabody's - Cleveland, OH
12/16/2009 Gramercy Theater - New York, NY w/ Black Anvil
And all this time, GWAR, Job for a Cowboy and The Red Chord are going to be touring for the rest of the year; starting now and continuing through December. It's not worth posting dates since I can't find one site that has the entire list of dates, but it's worth checking to see if they're coming to your town.
North American Tour II / 2009
* with The Black Dahlia Murder and Skeletonwitch
** support acts TBA
*** with Austrian Death Machine and Holy Grail
September 18 - Lupo's Heartbreak Hotel, Providence, RI **
September 19 - Starland Ballroom, Sayreville, NJ *
September 20 - Northern Lights, Clifton Park, NY *
September 22 - Theatre Capitole, Quebec City, QC *
September 23 - Metropolis, Montreal, QC *
September 25 - Elements Night Club, Kitchener, ON *
September 26 - Sound Academy, Toronto, ON *
September 27 - House of Blues, Chicago, IL *
September 28 - Epic, Minneapolis, MN *
September 30 - The Garrick Centre, Winnipeg, MB *
October 01 - Odeon Events Centre, Saskatoon, SK *
October 02 - MacEwan Hall Ballroom, Calgary, AB *
October 03 - Edmonton Events Centre, Edmonton, AB *
October 05 - Commodore Ballroom, Vancouver, BC *
October 06 - Showbox at the Market, Seattle, WA *
October 07 - Roseland Theatre, Portland, OR *
October 09 - Regency Center @ The Grand, San Francisco, CA *
October 10 - The Glass House, Pomona, CA *
October 11 - The Glass House, Pomona, CA ***
October 12 - Marquee Theatre, Phoenix, AZ *
October 14 - Pipeline Cafe, Honolulu, HI **
Then in November Hypocrisy are finally returning to North America after a strange, possibly UFO-related disappearance. I don't know how they returned and they personally have no memory of the event but it's fucking Hypocrisy in North America which is completely, utterly worth it. And they're touring with Blackguard who seem to have the perfect booking agent since they're getting on all of the right tours.
Nov. 06 - Jaxx - Springfield, VA (w/ SWASHBUCKLE)
Nov. 07 - Crocodile Rock - Allentown, PA (w/ SWASHBUCKLE)
Nov. 08 - Volume 11 - Raleigh, NC
Nov. 09 - The Masquerade - Atlanta, GA
Nov. 10 - Culture Room - Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Nov. 11 - AKA Lounge (part of the Anti*Pop Music Festival) - Orlando, FL
Nov. 13 - Meridian - Houston, TX
Nov. 14 - Emo's - Austin, TX
Nov. 15 - Ridglea Theatre- Dallas/Ft. Worth, TX
Nov. 17 - Galaxy Theatre - Santa Ana, CA
Nov. 18 - Key Club - Los Angeles, CA
Nov. 19 - DNA Lounge - San Francisco, CA
Nov. 20 - Hawthorne Theatre - Portland, OR
Nov. 21 - Studio Seven - Seattle, WA
Nov. 22 - Rickshaw - Vancouver, BC
Nov. 23 - Warehouse - Calgary, AB
Nov. 24 - Starlite - Edmonton, AB
Nov. 26 - The Zoo - Winnipeg, MB
Nov. 27 - The Rock - Minneapolis, MN
Nov. 28 - The Rave - Milwaukee, WI
Nov. 29 - House of Blues - Chicago, IL
Nov. 30 - Peabody's - Cleveland, OH
Dec. 01 - Opera House - Toronto, ON (w/ SWASHBUCKLE)
Dec. 02 - Imperial - Quebec City, QC (w/ SWASHBUCKLE)
Dec. 03 - Medley - Montreal, QC (w/ SWASHBUCKLE)
Dec. 04 - The Palladium - Worcester, MA (w/ SWASHBUCKLE )
Dec. 05 - Irving Plaza - New York, NY (w/ SWASHBUCKLE)
And ending this year in December, Marduk have finally gotten their visas and are touring with Nachtmystium and Mantic Ritual. (I give Nachtmystium five dates before they drop off the tour for whatever reason.) I'll probably go to this since I payed to see Marduk and tickets are only $15, making them even cheaper than The Haunted were earlier this year.
11/20/2009 The Palladium - Worcester, MA w/ Black Anvil
11/21/2009 Les Foufounes Electriques - Montreal, QC w/ Black Anvil
11/22/2009 Wreck Room - Toronto, ON w/ Black Anvil
11/23/2009 Sonar - Baltimore, MD
11/24/2009 The Masquerade - Atlanta, GA
11/25/2009 Brass Mug - Tampa, FL
11/28/2009 Red 7 - Austin, TX
11/29/2009 Ridglea Theater - Ft Worth, TX
11/30/2009 The Marquee - Tulsa, OK
12/02/2009 Launchpad - Albuquerque, NM
12/03/2009 The Sets - Tempe, AZ
12/04/2009 The Key Club - Hollywood, CA
12/05/2009 The Jumping Turtle - San Marcos, CA
12/06/2009 DNA Lounge - San Francisco, CA
12/07/2009 Satyricon - Portland, OR
12/08/2009 Studio Seven - Seattle, WA
12/10/2009 Cervantes Masterpiece Ballroom - Denver, CO
12/11/2009 Riot Room - Kansas City, MO
12/12/2009 Reggie's Rock Club - Chicago, IL
12/13/2009 Station 4 - St Paul, MN
12/14/2009 Blondie's - Detroit, MI
12/15/2009 Peabody's - Cleveland, OH
12/16/2009 Gramercy Theater - New York, NY w/ Black Anvil
And all this time, GWAR, Job for a Cowboy and The Red Chord are going to be touring for the rest of the year; starting now and continuing through December. It's not worth posting dates since I can't find one site that has the entire list of dates, but it's worth checking to see if they're coming to your town.
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