Dimmu Borgir haven't made a good NEW (not counting the re-recording of Stormblast) album since 2003. ISD was a horrible album that was in many ways SBD light. (I love how most Dimmu albums can be abbreviated.) Now the only three redeeming values that that album had are gone. Hellhammer was let go a while back when his (inferior) replacement drummer was hired permanently. Now Mustis and Vortex have both been fired. Given that Galder only played one lead on ISD (that was barely noticeable), Silenoz is now focusing on riffs that are more about crunch than atmosphere and Shagrath lacks any of the passion that he had in the late 90s to early 2000s, this band lost everything that they had going for them while retaining all of their negative aspects.
The story gets better. Silenoz, being the professional that he is, fired Mustis via a text message since he wasn't being credited for his contributions to previous albums and found that he was going to receive the same treatment on their new release that's currently in preproduction. So instead of giving him a songwriting credit, they just fired him with a text message that read, "goodbye."
And yet, it gets better, before Mustis issued a press release, he simply changed his Myspace status to "Betrayed" in an attempt to be just as professional as his former employers. Dimmu Borgir totally act like they are truly the biggest name in black metal. Most bands can learn a thing or two from their level of maturity.
I hope that everyone here knows that if you ever fire anybody, for any reason, the kvlt thing to do is text them with, "u r fired kthnxbye." It's apparently the standard for the music industry and it'll make people take you that much more seriously.
On a more serious note, Shagrath and Silenoz run the band, but really, they lost their magic and hopefully Hellhammer, Mustis and Vortex will more onto better pursuits. Hellhammer still has Mayhem and Winds, Vortx can finally make Lamented Souls the band that it deserves to be and Mustis... well, he's kind of fucked. Maybe he can write some classical music or something. He'd probably be good at that. kthnxbye.
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